TEACHERS launches toolkit for UBC Okanagan campus

Training & Engaging Academics in their Classrooms to positively impact Health, Education, &  Resiliency of our Students

What is the TEACHERS Project?

A project designed to train and support faculty to address well-being in their classroom with simple, evidence-based interventions including:

  • Activities
    Intentional Arrivals
    Movement breaks
  • Instructor Approaches
    Intentional kindness/compassion
    Transparency/info around assignments
  • Course Logistics
    Input and control over tasks
    Positive, proactive and inclusive language

Download the toolkit.

Who was involved? 

Faculty from multiple universities including UBCO, UBCV, Capilano University and SFU came together to support student well-being by implementing interventions into their classrooms.

Why is well-being in the classroom important?
Students are more vulnerable to a decline in health and well-being during the beginning of their university careers when academics can be overwhelming and social isolation is common. Students are more likely to achieve academic success, experience personal growth and develop independence with increased resiliency when they have a social support system and maintain positive health and well-being.

Contact Dr. Sally Stewart to learn more.