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School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Health and Social Development
University of British Columbia Okanagan
1147 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7

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Philip Ainslie | Professor | Centre for Heart, Lung & Vascular Health, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.8089

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: The specific focus of Ainslie's research is directed to the integrated mechanisms which regulate human cerebral blood flow in health and disease.
Miho Asano | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | ART166
Research Interests: Miho is interested in: (a) program development & evaluation, (b) wellness & health promotion, and (c) health services utilization & decision sciences.
Courses & Teaching: HES 356 - Health Behavior Change for Chronic Disease Management
Alicia Belmont | School Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250-807-9904 | ART360
Leslie Bryant MacLean | Adjunct Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Bradley Buie | Manager, Communications and Engagement | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work | | ARTS 360C
Hannah Connon, PhD | Lecturer | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | ART129
Courses & Teaching: HES 211 - Exercise Testing HES 493 - Community Practicum HES 494 - Advanced Community Practicum
Shawna Cook, B.A. | Lecturer | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Courses & Teaching: HES 350 - Clinical Assessment HES 352 - Exercise Testing for Clinical Populations: Lab HES 353 - Clinical Exercise Prescription: Lab HES 354 - Clinical Exercise Physiology Applications in Chronic Conditions: Cardiovascular Disease
Brian Dalton | Associate Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9513 | ART 157

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Dr. Dalton’s research interests focus on understanding the sensorimotor control of the human nervous system using various models of study (neuromuscular fatigue, healthy adult aging, and traumatic brain injury.
Courses & Teaching: Dr. Dalton currently teaches HMKN 202 – Human Motor Behaviour I and HMKN 499 – Project in Human Kinetics.
Kathryn Douglas-Campbell | Projects and Administration Coordinator | Faculty of Health and Social Development |
Greg duManoir | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9958 | Art 138
Courses & Teaching: HMKN 200: Exercise Physiology I HMKN 310: Exercise Physiology II HMKN 311: Exercise Prescription HMKN 312: Laboratory Techniques in Cardiorespiratory Physiology HMKN 391: Advanced Functional Anatomy HMKN 495K: Advanced Training Techniques HMKN 336: Tissue Injury & Repair
Neil Eves | Professor | Centre for Heart, Lung & Vascular Health, School of Health and Exercise Sciences |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Eve's primary research interests are in the integrative aspects of pulmonary, cardiac and vascular physiology and how the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems can be manipulated to optimally improve the health of individuals with chronic respiratory disease.
Tanya Forneris | Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9569
Research Interests: Forneris's interests centre on how to help youth learn to become successful contributing adults.
Courses & Teaching: Research Methods Community Programming Sport Psychology
Glen Foster | Associate Dean, Research; Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.8224

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Foster's research aims to approach complex physiological problems using integrative and applied experimental approaches that focus on multiple systems in vivo.
Courses & Teaching: Dr. Foster currently teaches HMKN 414 – Advanced Circulatory Physiology, and supervises students in HMKN 499 and 449.
Rebecca Frechette | Placement Coordinator & Instructor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9565 | Art 333
Heather Gainforth | Associate Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9352 | Art 129

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Gainforth's research aims to close the gap between health behaviour change research and practice by examining knowledge translation – the act of moving research evidence into the hands of research users.
Courses & Teaching: Dr. Gainforth teaches HMKN 499 (Projects in Human Kinetics) and HMKN 421 (Advanced Theories of Health Behaviour Change).
Andrew Hughes | Adjunct Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Hashim Islam, PhD | Assistant Professor | Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | ART 154, 1147 Research Road

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Islam’s research program focuses on how exercise, nutrition, and cardiometabolic disease impact mitochondrial function in different cells and tissues within the human body.
Courses & Teaching: HES 355 - Clinical Exercise Physiology Applications in Chronic Conditions: Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders
Jennifer Jakobi | Professor | Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9884

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: The long term objective of Jakobi's research program is to develop prehabilitation programs that focus on maintaining functional independence in older adults.
Mary Jung, PhD | Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9670

Graduate student supervisor

Megan Lindner | Graduate Program Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development | | 250-807-8189 | ART 331
Jonathan Little | Interim Director | Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9876

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Little's research is focused on understanding how the metabolic disruptions that characterize type 2 diabetes affect cellular inflammation and explore how different exercise and nutritional strategies can be used to reduce inflammation and improve overall cardiometabolic health.
Meaghan MacNutt (she, her, hers) | Assistant Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Courses & Teaching: HES 100 – Foundations of Health & Exercise Science HES 311 – Pathophysiology HES 471 – Professional Ethics in Health & Exercise Science
Michelle Majeran | Research Finance Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work |
Chris Marriott | School Graduate Assistant | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | Art 331
Kathleen Martin Ginis | Chair Preventive Medicine, Director Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management | Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Southern Medical Program | | 250.807.9187 | Reichwald Health Sciences Centre
Research Interests: Dr. Martin Ginis focuses on understanding and changing physical activity behaviour. She has a particular interest in physical activity among people with spinal cord injury and other types of physical disabilities.
Courses & Teaching: HES 491 Honour's Thesis Seminar HES 490 Project in Health and Exercise Sciences MED 419 Year 1 FLEX MED 429 Year 2 FLEX MED 449 Year 4 FLEX
Ali McManus | Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.8192

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: McManus's research focuses on the physiological consequences of sedentary behavior in children.
Courses & Teaching: Body Composition, Pediatric Exercise Physiology, and Graduate Statistics
Chris McNeil | Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9664 | Art 133

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: McNeil's program of research uses an integrative approach to investigate the performance and plasticity (adaptability) of the human neuromuscular system.
Courses & Teaching: HES 102 – Biomechanics HES 486 – Muscle Fatigue
Kathy Oakley | School Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250-807-8233 | ART 331
Natalia Peñuela Gallo | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work | | ART345
Research Interests:
Sarah Purcell | Assistant Professor, CCDPM | Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management, Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, Southern Medical Program |

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Dr. Purcell’s research focuses on nutrition, appetite, and energy expenditure with the ultimate goal of developing targeted, evidence-based nutrition guidelines for people with chronic diseases.
Colin Reid | Assistant Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
John Sasso | Assistant Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Robert Shave | Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9708

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Shave's work examines the acute and chronic effects of exercise and/or environmental stress upon the heart.
Michelle Smith | Adjunct Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
John Steeves | Adjunct Professor | School of Health and Exercise Sciences |
Sally Stewart | Associate Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.807.9684 | Arts 158
Paul van Donkelaar, PhD | Professor | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250.863.3230 | ART 174

Graduate student supervisor

Research Interests: Dr. van Donkelaar's research focuses on gaining a better understanding of traumatic brain injury (TBI) due to intimate partner violence. Dr. van Donkelaar is currently not accepting any new graduate students.
Courses & Teaching: HES 480: Concussion
Anita Verhun | Research Finance Assistant | Faculty of Health and Social Development, School of Health and Exercise Sciences, School of Nursing, Social Work |
Gina Whitaker | Assistant Professor of Teaching | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | 250 807-8078 | Arts 159
Courses & Teaching: HMKN 190 Anatomy & Physiology I HMKN 191 Anatomy & Physiology II HMKN 201 Exercise Psychology HMKN 322 Physical Activity & Health Promotion HMKN 331 Physical Dimensions of Aging
Kevin WIldfong | Lab Technician | School of Health and Exercise Sciences | | UCH 010A