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Jennifer Jakobi
Office of the Vice-Principal, Research and Innovation, School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Other Titles: Institute DirectorPhone: 250.807.9884
Email: jennifer.jakobi@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
The long term objective of Jakobi's research program is to develop prehabilitation programs that focus on maintaining functional independence in older adults.
Research Interests & Projects
For opportunities in the Neuromuscular Physiology Lab please contact me at Jennifer.jakobi@ubc.ca
- Neuromuscular – Healthy Exercise and Aging Lab (HEAL)
https://ubcheal.ok.ubc.ca/ - Integrative STEM Team Advancing Networks of Diversity (iSTAND)
Dr. Jakobi teaches and researches in the area of neuromuscular and exercise physiology. The long term objective of her research program is to develop prehabilitation programs that focus on maintaining functional independence in older adults. Her basic research program centres upon identifying the contributions of central descending and sensory reflex pathways to the modulation of motor neuron activity and subsequent effect on force control in women (NSERC). The applied research program focuses on quantifying, muscle activity that necessitates functional activities of daily living in older adults and determining the role of whole body vibration in functional change (UBCO). Her work is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). A list of her research interests include:
- Age-related and sex-related change in motor unit recruitment and discharge rates
- Role of afferent feedback in modulating motor unit activity
- Prolonging Functional Independence in Older Women
- Adaptations in the muscle and tendon unit to stretch in males and females
Please see this article for an example of the research conducted in the HEAL Lab:
Jennifer_Jakobi_Intl_Innovation_Research Impacts_Research_Media_HR
Through the integrative STEM Team Advancing Networks of Diversity (iSTAND) program Dr. Jakobi is committed to increasing diversity across science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through providing mentorship, and opportunity to encourage, explore, understand and empower change for underrepresented persons in STEM. She coordinates and hosts youth outreach camps and activities, and conducts professional development workshops and presentations to facilitate organizational change through co-developing programs that build equity, diversity, and inclusion changes in STEM enterprises.
Current Research Funding
- Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Motor Unit Function; Central Descending and Sensory Reflex Modulation - University of British Columbia Okanagan
Office of Research Services
Internal Grant
Selected Publications & Presentations
Roland, K.P., Cornett, K.M.D., Theou, O., Jakobi, J.M., Jones, G.R., (2012) Concurrence of Frailty and Parkinson’s Disease. J Frailty Aging 1(3):123-127
Theou O., Jakobi J.M., Vandervoort A., Jones G. (2012). A Comparison of Physical Activity Assessment Tools Across Levels of Frailty. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 54(3)307-314
Theou O., Soon Z., Filek S., Brims M., Leach-MacLeod K., Binsted G., & Jakobi J.M. (2011). Changing the sheets: Assessment of a new slider sheet system to reduce upper body muscle strain during patient repositioning. Nursing Research. 60(5):302-308
Brown, R.E., Edwards, D.L. & Jakobi, J.M. (2010) Sex differences in force steadiness in three positions of the forearm. Eur J Appl Physiol 110(6): 251-257.
Dalton, B.H., Jakobi, J.M., Allman, B.L. & Rice, C.L. (2010) Differential age-related changes in motor unit properties between elbow flexors and extensors. Acta Physiol 200:45-55.
Harwood, B., Edwards, D.L. & Jakobi, J.M. (2009) Age independent and position dependent alterations in motor unit activity of the biceps brachii. Eur JAppl Physiol 110(7) 27-38.
Harwood, B., Edwards, D.L., & Jakobi, J.M. (2008) Age and Sex-Related Differences in EMG Burst Patterns for a Discrete Task. Eur J Appl Physiol. In Press. Accepted March 31, 2008
Singh-Peters L, Jones G.R., Kenno K., & Jakobi J.M. (2007) Physical Activity and Gender Necessary Factors when Assessing Functional Ability in Persons with Type 2 Diabetes. Can J Diab. 31(4):357-364.
Mottram C.J., Jakobi J.M., Semmler J.G., & Enoka R.M. (2005) Motor unit activity differs with load type during a fatiguing contraction. J Neurophys. 93(3): 1381-1392.
Jakobi J.M. & Rice C.L. (2002) Voluntary muscle activation varies with age and muscle group. J Appl Physiol. 93(2):457-462