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Sally Stewart
Associate Professor of Teaching
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Office: Arts 158Phone: 250.807.9684
Email: sally.willis-stewart@ubc.ca

- Teaching practices for student well-being and academic success
- Nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyles and behaviours for the prevention and management of chronic disease
- Health promotion and health promoting universities
- bone health, eating disorders and nutrition for exercise training
- Director; Nutrition Education Centre on campus
- 2019 recipient of the UBCO Provost Award for Teaching Excellence and Innovation
Dr. Stewart’s position and focus at UBC is teaching and educational leadership. Most of the time she can be found teaching nutrition, exercise, and healthy lifestyle courses as well as devoting much time to researching the design, implementation and impacts of a health course; HEAL 100, and other teaching practices to bolster student well-being and academic success. Dr. Stewart is passionate about improving the classroom environment for student well-being, as well as providing challenging experiential learning opportunities for students through her courses and practicum opportunities in her Nutrition Education Center. She supports her colleagues’ research efforts by bringing her expertise and community connections to research and graduate student committees. Dr. Stewart is a key member of university wide strategic well-being, food action and educational leadership committees. As a “forever” student Sally consistently attends courses and conferences to further her knowledge, both in teaching content areas, as well as in new teaching practices to bring to the classroom. She is a sought-after mentor, consultant, educator, speaker and leader for her positive, knowledgeable, dynamic and supportive approach.
1997 PhD Interdisciplinary Studies (Nutrition, Exercise Physiology, Health Promotion) UBC
1989 MA Nutritional Physiology/Kinanthropometry, UWO
1987 BPE UBC
CSEP Certified Exercise Physiologist
Academic Affiliate of Dietitians of Canada/IOC Sport Nutrition
Selected Publications & Presentations
- Stewart, S. (2019). Introduction and Principles of Health and Wellbeing. An online text book. Top Hat, Canada, 2019
- March 2017 to European Eating Disorders Review and to Body Image Journal, a manuscript entitled Is abstinence really the best option? Exploring the role of exercise in the treatment and management of eating disorders, by D. Quesnel, M. Libben, Oelke, N., Willis-Stewart, S., Clark, M. and Caperchione, C. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/kfZJgU3Dg4YDiXbQ5Kw5/full
- PHENex Journal (Physical and Health Education), February 2016, Berg, S., Willis-Stewart, S. Labrie, T., and Kendall, S. Creating Healthy Schools and Student Engagement: The Got Health? Initiative
- Classroom Edition Newsletter; evidence- based teaching practices to enhance wellbeing in the classroom, UBC, Fall 2016
- UBCO Healthy Newsletter; monthly contributor of evidence-based nutrition articles, 2013 – 2018
- Article contributor for Okanagan Health Magazine 3:1; Lifestyle Changes: A Realistic Approach, Winter 2015, articles also in Winter and Spring 2014, Spring, Fall, Winter 2013 editions
- Exercise Nutrition, 2010. J. Bird, RD and S. Stewart, PhD. Chapter for Personal Trainers Manual, Canadian Fitness Educators, Summerland, B. C.
- Speaking of Health Issues: student voice-driven healthy campus initiative. Budgen, C., Callaghan, D., Stewart, S. Sullivan, K. World Health Promotion Conference, Vancouver, B. C., June 2007.
- School Food and Nutrition Policy Project. Stewart, S. (2006). Principals Online Magazine, Vol. 1 No. 3 Feb.
- Cookies, Muffins and Shakes . . . Lots of Yummy Healthy Bakes! (cookbook) Stewart, S., 2002.
- Effects of weight-training on elderly women: A focus on exercise compliance, bone density and strength. (Willis) Stewart, S., Martin, A., Rhodes, E., Taunton, J., Donnelly, M., Warren, J., Elliot, J. Verlag Conrad, 1997. Conference Proceeding Papers; 4th Intern. Congress: Physical Activity, Aging and Sports.