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Tanya Forneris
Professor of Teaching
School of Health and Exercise Sciences
Other Titles: Associate DirectorPhone: 250.807.9569
Email: tanya.forneris@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Forneris's interests centre on how to help youth learn to become successful contributing adults.
Courses & Teaching
Research Methods
Community Programming
Sport Psychology
Research Interests & Projects
Community-based program development and evaluation
Positive youth development in sport
Selected Publications & Presentations
Selected Publications (from the past two years; *indicates student)
*Bean, C. N., & Forneris, T. (in press). Exploring stakeholders’ experiences of implementing an ice hockey programme for Inuit youth. Journal of Sport for Development, 33 pages.
*Bean, C. N., & Forneris, T. (2016, online). Examining the importance of intentionally structuring the youth sport context to facilitate psychosocial development. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 31 pages.
*Bean, C. N., & Forneris, T. (2016, online). Re-examining the Youth Program Quality Survey as a tool to assess quality within youth programming. Cogent Psychology.
*Bean, C. N., *Harlow, M. & Forneris, T. (2016, online). Examining the importance of supporting youth’s basic needs in one youth leadership programme: a case study exploring programme quality. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth.
*Bean, C. N., *Kendellen, K. & Forneris, T. (2015), online. Moving beyond the gym: Exploring life skills transfer within a female physical activity-based life skills program. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 30 pages.
Whitley, M. A., Forneris, T., & *Barker, B (2015). The Reality of Sustaining Community-Based Sport and Physical Activity Programs to Enhance the Development of Underserved Youth: Challenges and Potential Strategies. Quest 67(4), 409-423.
Strachan, S. *Perras, M. G., Forneris, T., *Stadig, G. (2015, online). I’m an exerciser: Common conceptualizations of and variation in exercise identity meanings. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1-16.
MacIntosh, E., Arellano, A., & Forneris, T. (2015, online). Exploring the community and external-agency partnership in sport-for-development programming. European Sport Management Quarterly, 1-20.
*Inoue, C., & Forneris, T. (2015, online). The role of Special Olympics in promoting social inclusion: An examination of stakeholder perceptions. Journal of Sport for Development, 28 pages.
*Halsall, T., Werthner, P. & Forneris, T. (2015, online) Cultivating focus: Insights from dedicated yoga practice and the implications for mental health and well-being. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 1-15
*Bean, C. N., Forneris, T., & Fortier, M. (2015). Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Understanding the impact of a female youth-driven physical activity based life skills program. Journal of Sport for Development, 3(4), 28-40.
*Dupee, M., Werthner, P., & Forneris, T. (2015). A preliminary study on the relationship between athletes’ ability to self-regulate and world ranking. Biofeedback, 43(2), 57-63.
Forneris, T., Camiré, M. & *Williamson, R. (2015). Extracurricular activity participation and the acquisition of developmental assets: Differences between involved and noninvolved Canadian high school students. Applied Developmental Science, 19(1), 47-55.
*Bean, C.N., *Kendellen, K., *Halsall, T., & Forneris, T. (2015) Putting program evaluation into practice: Enhancing the Girls Just wanna Have Fun Program. Evaluation & Program Planning Journal, 49, 31-40.