Course Outlines

Course Outlines for the current 2024W Winter Term 2 session will show 24W T2. We will be updating this page as course outlines become available, usually closer to the start of the term in which the course is offered (i.e., July, September, or January).

Code , Title, # of credits & Outline link

HES 100 Foundations of Health and Exercise Sciences
(3 credits) HES 100 – 24W T1
The importance of exercise, fitness, physical activity, healthy eating, and other health behaviours across the lifespan. Principles of basic exercise prescription, fitness appraisal, behaviour change, and other positive health approaches; implications for personal health/quality of life, professional success, health care. Formerly offered as HMKN 100. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 100 or HMKN 100.
HES 101 Human Physiology I
(3 credits) HES 101 – 24W T1
Human physiology from the cellular to the systemic level including cellular function, metabolism, the neuromuscular system, and the cardiorespiratory systems. Credit will only be granted for one of HES 101, HMKN 190 or BIOL 131.
HES 102 Biomechanics
(3 credits) HES 102 – 24W T2
Application of the elementary principles of physics and math to quantitative analysis of human movement. Analysis will also focus on the development of forces within muscles and their effect on initiating and controlling human movement (pertaining to exercise, physical activity, and rehabilitation). Formerly offered as HMKN 101. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 102 or HMKN 101. [3-0-0] Prerequisite: Registration limited to students in the B.H.E.S. program.
HES 105 Exercise Physiology I
(3 credits) HES 105 – 24W T2
This course explores the phenomenal ways the human body responds to the physiological stress of exercise. We will study the acute metabolic, neuromuscular, and cardiorespiratory responses to various kinds of physical activity, and will examine the chronic responses to resistance and endurance training. In lab, we will use the fundamental tools of exercise physiologists to investigate the body’s responses to exercise and we will practice analyzing, interpreting, and communicating about physiological data.
HES 111 Human Anatomy & Physiology II
(3 credits) HES 111 – 24W T2
An introduction to human physiology from the cellular to the systemic level. This course will examine the neuroendocrine system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal system, renal function, immune function and reproduction.
HES 120 Introduction to Human Anatomy
(3 CREDITS) HES 120 – 24W T1
Introduce students to the basic structure and functional relationships of human anatomy in relation to movement. Specific structures include neural, muscular and skeletal systems.
HES 130 Social Determinants of HealtH
(3 CREDITS) HES 130 – 24W T1
Examining the relationships between biological, psychological, social, and economic factors to understand inequities in health outcomes for different individuals and populations. Formerly offered as HEAL 200. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 130 or HEAL 200.
HES 131 Exercise Psychology
(3 CREDITS) HES 131 – 24W T2
Psychological theories and research related to exercise adoption, maintenance, and avoidance. Psychological antecedents and consequences of exercise behaviour. Formerly offered as HMKN 201. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 131 or HMKN 201.
Pre-requisites: Either (a) HES 100 or (b) HMKN 100.
HES 200 Introduction to Nutrition
(3 CREDITS) HES 200 – 24W T1
Application to health promotion and disease prevention including the study of macro- and micronutrients, their functions, absorption, and metabolism in the body. Examination of healthy food sources and eating habits to support health and wellbeing. Credit will only be granted for one of HES 200, HMKN 323 or HINT 331.
HES 201 Exercise Prescription
(3 CREDITS) HES 201 – 24W T1
Exercise prescription and testing for both the healthy adult population and for special populations or persons with a disability. Credit will only be granted for HES 201 or HMKN 311.
HES 202 Exercise Prescription
(3 CREDITS) HES 202 – 24W T2
Processes and structures underlying the production of human movement. Sensory, motor and cognitive factors influencing the learning, execution, and control of action will be addressed. Formerly offered as HMKN 202. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 202 or HMKN 202. [3-0-0]
Prerequisite: Either (a) HES 101 or (b) HMKN 190; and either (a) HES 102 or (b) HMKN 101; and either (a) HES 111 or (b) HMKN 191.
HES 203 Lifespan Physical and Motor Development
(3 CREDITS) HES 203 – 24W T2
This course will introduce students to physical growth and motor development related to physical activity. In addition to lifespan changes, including aging, and their impact on physical activity participation and performance. The class will consist of in-person lectures that will include PowerPoint, videos, and activities.
HES 211 Exercise Testing
(3 CREDITS) HES 211 – 24W T1
The theory, practice and analysis of safe and effective health, fitness, physiological and lifestyle assessments, including the design, implementation and analysis of standard protocols.
HES 231 Exercise Counselling and Behaviour Modification
(3 CREDITS) HES 231 – 24W T2
This course is designed to aid students in developing an understanding and appreciation of how to work with future clientele to adopt and adhere to a variety of health behaviours with a particular focus on exercise. This course will expose students to advances in applied research in the field of Exercise Psychology through practice, application, and first-hand experiences. Laboratories will allow students to grasp concepts discussed in previous classes and readings by witnessing the phenomenon themselves.
HES 240 Health Research Methods
(3 CREDITS) HES 240 – 24W T1
Introduction to the research methods commonly encountered in health research, including quantitative and qualitative designs; provides a basis for comprehending more fully the research literature relevant to health studies. Formerly offered as HMKN 206. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 240 or HMKN 206.
HES 305 Exercise Physiology II
(3 CREDITS) HES 305 – 24W T1
Oxygen transport and vascular response during exercise in humans. Regulation and adaptation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during exercise. Formerly offered as HMKN 310. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 305 or HMKN 310.
HES 311 Pathophysiology
(3 CREDITS) HES 311 – 24W T2
The physiological basis of selected skeletal, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous system disorders, and their effects on health and exercise. The etiology and pathophysiology of common chronic diseases, including Cancer, will be discussed.
HES 312 Tissue Injury & Repair
(3 CREDITS) HES 312 – 24W T2
Basic principles and concepts associated with the prevention, recognition and management of athletic injuries. Common athletic injuries will be studied along with the practical skills in basic prophylactic wrapping and taping associated with the care of these injuries. Credit will only be granted for one of HES 312 or HMKN 336. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: HES 120.
HES 320 Functional Anatomy
(3 CREDITS) HES 320 – 24W T1
Functional aspects of human anatomy with special attention to musculoskeletal, vascular, and neural systems that support integrated human movement. Credit will only be granted for one of HES 320 or HMKN 391.
HES 321 Laboratory Techniques in Exercise Science
(3 CREDITS) HES 321 – 24W T2
Current methods in exercise science will be demonstrated via modules presented by faculty in their areas of specialization including electrophysiological techniques and methods of assessing blood-flow, respiratory capacity, and muscle function. Formerly offered as HMKN 312. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 321 or HMKN 312. [2-3-0]. Prerequisite: One of HES 305, HMKN 310.
HES 330 Introduction to Community Programming
(3 CREDITS) HES 330 – 24W T1
The theory and practice of designing community-based programs to promote behavior
change based on recent advances in behavioural science. Credit will only be granted for
HES 330 or HMKN 303. [3-0-0]
Prerequisite: Either (a) HES 231 or (b) HMKN 316.
HES 331 Motivational Interviewing
(3 CREDITS) HES 331 – 24W T2
Study of behaviour change techniques, theories and approaches used in one-to-one behavioural support interactions. The course will instill knowledge of theory as well as applied skills in behaviour change counselling
HES 332 Advanced Theories of Behaviour Change
(3 CREDITS) HES 332 – 24W T2
Advanced theories in health and exercise psychology and their critical evaluation regarding utility for instilling and sustaining health behaviour change. Formerly offered as HMKN 421. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 332 or HMKN 421. [3-0-0]
Prerequisite: HES 330. Registration is limited to students in the Health Behavior Change Concentration in the B.H.E.S. Program.
HES 340 Methods of Data Analysis
(3 CREDITS) HES 340 – 24W T1
Introduction to basic statistics and methods relevant to the analysis and interpretation of quantitative data pertaining to health and social well-being. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 340, HMKN 205 or STAT 121.
HES 350 Clinical Assessment
(3 CREDITS) HES 350 – 24W T1
The development of key technical skills in conducting clinical evaluations by exercise practitioners, including client interviews and communication, physical examination, pharmacological considerations, health and fitness measures and appropriate data recording and documentation.
HES 351 Clinical Exercise Physiology
(3 CREDITS) HES 351 – 24W T1
Integrative approach to normal and abnormal responses to exercise as well as the physiological effects of chronic conditions and their clinical management in exercise physiology.
HES 352 Exercise Testing for Clinical Populations
(3 CREDITS) HES 352 – 24W T2
Analysis of standard and specialized protocols, recommendations, equipment, personnel and parameters of exercise assessments for individuals living with clinical populations. [3-2-0] Prerequisite: HES 350 and either (a) HES 311 or (b) HMKN 335. Registration limited to students in the Clinical Exercise Physiology concentration of the B.H.E.S program.
HES 353 Clinical Exercise Prescription
(3 CREDITS) HES 353 – 24W T2
Advanced exercise prescription considerations for individuals with chronic conditions and special populations (e.g., pediatric, aging). [3-2-0] Prerequisite: HES 352. Registration limited to students in the Clinical Exercise Physiology concentration of the B.H.E.S program.
HES 354 Clinical Exercise Physiology Applications in Chronic Conditions:
Cardiovascular Disease
(3 CREDITS) HES 354 – 24W T2
The clinical considerations of cardiovascular conditions and treatment for safe and effective implementation of exercise programs for people with cardiovascular disease. Students will critically review evidence, standards and recommendations for use of exercise in the management and prevention of cardiovascular disease.
HES 355 Clinical Exercise Physiology Applications in Chronic Conditions:
Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders
(3 CREDITS) HES 355 – 24W T2
This course will explore how the human body converts nutrients into usable energy (ATP) during daily life and in response to exercise and applies this knowledge to understand metabolism using practical examples in health, chronic disease, and human performance. Students will investigate the role of the endocrine and metabolic systems in the maintenance of health, as well as in disease, with special consideration of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity, among others. Finally, students will investigate the effects of exercise in the regulation of metabolism and endocrine
functions and explore the benefits, risks and opportunities for exercise prescription in the prevention, management and treatment of endocrine and metabolic disorders.
HES 356 Health Behavior Change for Chronic Disease Management
(3 CREDITS) HES 356 – 24W T1
Overview of behavior change theories and principles of behavior change intervention design with a particular focus on individual and community-based programming for those living with a variety of chronic conditions.
HES 371 Professional Practice in Health & Exercise Sciences
(3 CREDITS) HES 371 – 24W T1
This course explores the professional expectations, industry-accepted standards, and regulatory requirements that are relevant to health and exercise practitioners. In addition to a focus on safety and legal compliance, we will work to develop the knowledge and skills needed to support professional practice that is collaborative, equity-oriented, person-centered, and reflective.
HES 380 Exercise Metabolism
(3 CREDITS) HES 380 – 24W T1
The underlying metabolic events associated with exercise and nutritional challenges. Substrate delivery and skeletal muscle metabolism with respect to exercise. Formerly offered as HMKN 313. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 380 or HMKN 313.
HES 383 Physical Dimensions of Aging
(3 CREDITS) HES 383 – 24W T1
Changes in physiological function with age. For students planning to become health professionals. Various dimensions of life, including health and functional capacity, are addressed. Formerly offered as HMKN 331. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 383 or HMKN 331.
HES 401 Community Placement Experience
(3 CREDITS) HES 401 – 24W T2
Practical work experience in a supervised health/human kinetics related work setting with a cooperating agency, private business, or industry.
No more than 9 credits in total will be granted for any combination of HES 401, HES 402, HES 490. Pass/Fail.
HES 402 Advanced Community Placement Experience
(3 CREDITS) HES 402 – 24W T2
Advanced ‘hands-on’ practical work experience in a supervised health-related work setting with a partnered organization.
HES 480 Concussion
(3 CREDITS) HES 480 – 24W T2
Investigation of the diagnosis, deficits and treatment of concussion, and the neurocognitive, biomechanical, cerebrovascular, and sensorimotor effects of the injury.
HES 483 Environmental Physiology
(3 CREDITS) HES 483 – 24W T2
Regulation and adaptation of the circulatory systems at rest, during exercise. Focus on adaptations and prescription implications following pathology [3-0-0] 3 Credits. (Formerly offered as HMKN 411. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 483 or HMKN 411)
HES 485 Advanced Circulatory Physiology
(3 CREDITS) HES 485 – 24W T1
Regulation and adaptation of the circulatory systems at rest, during exercise. Focus on adaptations and prescription implications following pathology. Formerly offered as HMKN 414. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 485 or HMKN 414.
HES 486 Muscle Fatigue
(3 CREDITS) HES 486 – 24W T1
Physiological mechanisms within the central nervous system and muscle fibres which contribute to muscle fatigue. The influence of various factors (e.g., sex, age, disease) on muscle fatigue. Formerly offered as HMKN 415. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 486 or HMKN 415.
HES 488 Cortical Control of Movement
(3 CREDITS) HES 488 – 24W T1
Cortical events associated with sensation and motor planning associated with goal-directed movement. Particular focus on plasticity associated with disease and injury. Formerly offered as HMKN 413. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 488 or HMKN 413.
HES 490A Project in Health and Exercise Sciences – PROJECT IN HES
Provides opportunities to perform research pertaining to a chosen area of Human Kinetics as agreed upon by a faculty member and student. No more than 6 credits in total of HES 490.
HES 490B Project in Health and Exercise Sciences – PROJECT IN HES
Provides opportunities to perform research pertaining to a chosen area of Human Kinetics as agreed upon by a faculty member and student. No more than 6 credits in total of HES 490.
HES 490C Project in Health and Exercise Sciences – PROJECT IN HES
Provides opportunities to perform research pertaining to a chosen area of Human Kinetics as agreed upon by a faculty member and student. No more than 6 credits in total of HES 490.
HES 493 Community Practicum
HES 493 – 24W T1
Practical work experience in a supervised health, fitness or performance work setting with a community-based partner.
Prerequisite: HES 212. Registration limited to students in the Clinical Exercise Physiology
concentration of the B.H.E.S program
(3 CREDITS) HES 495D – 24W T2
Formerly offered as HMKN 495. Credit will be granted for only one of HES 495 or HMKN 495.Medical, hospital, community health and long-term care in Canada, including the evolution of health and hospital insurance policies, efforts to renew the Canadian health care system, innovations in primary health care and current issues confronting health providers and policy makers. Operational learning of Health Care and emerging Leadership and Lean practices in Health Care.
HES 505 Quantitative Analyses: Decision Making Using Data in Health and Exercise Science
(3 CREDITS) HES 505 – 24W T1
How to analyze and interpret statistical data commonly encountered in health and exercise science research. Content includes the choice of appropriate statistical analyses, cleaning data, correlation, linear regression, multiple and logistic regresssion, t-tests and analyses of variance.
HES 506 Research Methods in Health and Exercise Sciences
(3 CREDITS) HES 506 – 24W T2
Principles of research methods including philosophy of science, research designs, ethical considerations, critical analysis, qualitative and quantitative approaches, proposal development.
HES 515 Advanced Neuromuscular Physiology and Sensorimotor Neuroscience
Neuromuscular and neuroanatomical processes involved in the control of muscle contraction and movement. Special emphasis on physiological adaptations within the nervous and muscular systems as a result of acute (e.g., exercise, fatigue, injury, hypoxia) and chronic (e.g., training, age, disease) perturbations.
HES 525 Behaviour Change Taxonomies and Theories of Health Behaviour Change: Overlap, Integration, and Application
(3 CREDITS)HES 525 – 24W T1
An in-depth examination of behavior change taxonomies and associated techniques, and how these relate and compare to theories of health behaviour change. Critical analysis of how techniques and theories can be applied will occur through discussion, debate, article synopses, presentations, and written assignments.
HES 535 Advanced Integrative Human Physiology I
Human oxygen uptake, transport mechanisms and the coordination of physiological systems.
HES 545W Special Topics in Health and Exercise Sciences – EX/DIET INTERVT2
Credit will be granted for only one of HMKN 495 or HMKN 545 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
HES 545X Special Topics in Health and Exercise Sciences – QUANT TECHNIQUES
Credit will be granted for only one of HMKN 495 or HMKN 545 when the subject matter is of the same nature.
HES 549 M.Sc. Thesis
Pass/Fail. This course is restricted to students in one of these programs: MED-O,MSC-O,MASC-O,MA-O
HES 649 Ph.D. Dissertation
Pass/Fail. This course is restricted to students in one of these programs: PHD-O -OR- in one of these programs: MA-O